Break time… sort of

Technically, at the end of today my break starts. However, as normal, that’s not going to really be what actually happens.

First up, our paper is not quite finished and there’s been an extension on the deadline – which means I’m the only one who still wants it done for tomorrow. And it also means, that I’ll still need to work on it until we actually get it done.

Second, I’ve already told my supervisor that I’d attend our research meeting next week. And a lunch later in the week. So not quite a clean break to start with. And, based on how things are going, I need to probably arrange a meeting to sit down and chat with my supervisor anyway.

Third, I’m so far behind in emails. I’ve managed to stay just sort of on the edge, by focusing on the absolutely-must-answer-right-now emails, but ignoring a lot of the others that have come through. So I need to finally deal with those.

Fourth, I’ve got a zillion papers that I’ve had sitting here waiting to be read for the last 3+ months. And they need to be read. Probably sooner than later. Especially as we’re debating how we’re going to move forward with my research (or sideways if that happens).

And fifth, (although at least this one isn’t school related), I’ve got a lot of business-y things in the next couple of weeks. Meetings to attend. Code to write. Things to learn. People to network with. And decisions that need to be made.

But, I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Breaks rarely end up being the breaks you hope they will be.

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